You Need Clean Filters

Why Should I Change My Filter?

The most important thing you can do to save money on heating is to regularly change your furnace filter. There are several reasons why changing your filter on a consistent basis can benefit you.

1. A longer life for your HVAC unit

As dirt and debris build up in your filter, airflow is restricted, forcing your furnace to work harder just to maintain normal performance. Consistently clogged filters can lead to overheating, blocked systems, and expensive repairs. In the worst cases, an older furnace may break down entirely, requiring a full replacement.

2. Lower energy costs

When a clogged filter is causing your furnace to work extra hard, your monthly utility bills will increase because of the extra energy that is being used. The inexpensive cost of changing your furnace filter on a regular basis is nothing compared to the money you’ll lose if you let clogged filters run your furnace down.

3. Healthier air quality

Furnace filters play an important role in protecting your health by trapping fine particles like pet dander, pollen, bacteria, lint, and other contaminants from the air you breathe. When a filter is clogged, it can’t perform this crucial task, allowing those harmful particles to circulate in your home and even reach your lungs. This can affect anyone, but it’s especially concerning for individuals with allergies, asthma, or weakened immune systems.

How Often Should I Change My Furnace Filter?

How often you should change your furnace filter varies, but consistency is crucial. As a rule of thumb, during heating season, replace your filter at least every two months. Washable filters need cleaning every few weeks and should typically be replaced every 3 to 5 months. If you have pets, smokers, or family members with asthma or allergies, it’s a good idea to change filters more frequently for better air quality.

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